
August might have been my worst month yet in terms of writing new blog posts, but on the 27th – my birthday – I woke up to the good news that 500 of you now follow Orchid’s Lantern. I am honoured to know so many people are enjoying my little stories, articles and book reviews; thank you!

Fragments of Perception and Other Stories is now in the safe hands of a few trusty beta readers, the cover is out for design, and all being well it will be published in early November in paperback and ebook. I have some work to do with my website next: I’m going to attempt to move over to my own domain. Hopefully this won’t cause any disruption on WordPress but I’ve never done this before…

Apart from that, I am looking forward to continuing work on The Enlightenment Machine, and what I am now referring to as its prequel, The Tale of Dr Hertz. I also have outlines for two non fiction books, but I’m not sure where they’re going to fit into the schedule yet. Despite all of this, I do now have time to start blogging properly again, so you can expect brand new stories to start arriving in your inbox again very shortly.


You can now follow me on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates on my progress and inspirations. I’d love to see you there!

An Interlude

Hello! This is a rare post in which I update you on my writing projects instead of leaving said projects to speak for themselves… normal service will resume shortly.

Firstly, I wanted to let you know I have shared 100 posts on WordPress as of this week, and I’m quote proud of that of little milestone. I am truly overwhelmed by the support and positive feedback I’ve been getting on here, and I’d like to thank each of you who has taken the time to read, like and comment on this blog. I would especially like to thank Paul at Two Voices In One Transmission, The Modern Leper, and Jac Forsyth for their continued encouragement – without you guys I doubt I’d have the confidence that my particular brand of strange is appealing enough to pursue. If you haven’t had a chance to check out their blogs I highly recommend all three of them, they are very talented writers indeed. Please remember that constructive criticism is also welcomed on my fiction, because I am always striving to improve.

I also wanted to tell you that I now have a Facebook page, so please pay me a visit over there if you have an account. I plan to post links to my fiction, interesting articles I come across over the course of my research, and highlight other authors I think are worthy of recognition. I will also use it to share my creative progress. I am on Twitter too, if that’s more your thing.

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