
by Uloma Ofole

Scene 1

A blanket of mushrooms

covers my home’s heart

festering, unhindered like cancer cells

Joyfully I pick,

                        my baskets overflowing with misfortune.

Scene 2

From the dark, and speedily

fattened snails emerge,

their destination, my hunting bowl.

Happily, I carry home

                                          a weighty bowl of strife.

Scene 3

Hanging low and ripened, purple pears

Shine in a night

                            like a thousand amethysts.

I reach_____ and miss,

                                          fortune eludes me.

Uloma Ofole is drawn to poetry that celebrates nature, humanity, and diversity including justice and fairness.

She is inspired by her immediate environment and focuses on the beauty of nature and the vulnerability of humanity to express her thoughts and views. Uloma spent over ten years working with the underprivileged in HIV/AIDs and vulnerable children projects. She lives in Nigeria with her husband and two beautiful teenage daughters. When she is not writing, she enjoys gardening, cooking, and soap making.

Twitter: @OfoleUloma

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